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Waterloo Solitaire Bookgame

Currently Unavailable

Waterloo Solitaire has 24 games. You take the role of Napoleon commanding the French army for 12 games against an opposing Allied autonomous player side, referred to as the Allied BOT side. And you take the role of Wellington for 12 games, commanding the Allied army against a French BOT side. Each opposing BOT side is rated for its skill; easy for 4 games, medium for 4 games, and hard for 4 games.

One side is played by you (either Allied or French) and uses player actions for the side being playing. The BOT opponent uses the solitaire actions for the other side.

A player can issue one action per game turn from their actions available for the side they are playing. He also has the option of using a Combined Arms Tactics with a supporting action to the one action played. Your choices can cause Die Roll Modifiers (DRM) that affects attacks with results that cause unit eliminations and tactical events to occur.

The object of the game for the French player is to defeat the Allies by the end of the game. This is accomplished by removing all units in 2 of the 3 Allied infantry formations. The object for the Allied player is to avoid defeat by the end of the game. Both sides also have several other ways to win or lose before the game ends.

You will need to provide a pen and one 6-sided die to play the game.