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The Shipwreck Arcana Complete


Note: This version of the game includes The Stars Below expansion cards in the base game box.

Trapped in a drowned world, you and your allies are doomed -- or are you? Using a mystical deck and a healthy dose of logic, you can predict each others' fates and escape unscathed.

The Shipwreck Arcana is a compact, cooperative game of deduction, evaluation, and logic, combining simple, speedy play with incredibly deep strategy. Players take turns playing tokens according to rules found on an ever-changing tableau of cards, in order to convey information to the rest of the group before their doom arrives.

Want even more challenge and variety in your game? Grab the Stars Below promo pack, The Imago promo, and The Restless Hours promo as well! (The promo pack may ship inside the base game when ordered together.)

2-5 players, 20 minutes, Ages 10+